

Team diversity

UN Sustainable Development Goals

Protecting people and the planet by detecting wildfires, globally

Monitoring the planet's temperature using thermal-infrared satellite imagery. This enables prevention of catastrophic fires, significant CO2 savings, protection of biodiversity and reduction in human tragedies.

Why it matters

Every year, wildfires destroy 30-40 million hectares of vegetation and create CO2 emissions of 7 Gt on average.

Catastrophic wildfires endanger whole ecosystems, cause biodiversity loss and water pollution. Air pollution caused by wildfires accounts for 340,000 deaths annually.

Response time of firefighting efforts is critical. The probability of containing a wildfire successfully is doubled when fire size is 20% smaller.

Impact KPIs

The data below shows the 2022 impact KPIs for OroraTech.


183 MIL hectares of forest area protected


fire alerts sent

The difference between having OroraTech and not having OroraTech is significant. The data gathered helps us further discuss fire management approaches with the local authorities and put more pressure on this vital topic.”

Monica Razo Cervantes, Carbon Credits Consulting

We believe OroraTech’s Wildfire Service is a complete firefighting solution, the only one currently available in the marketplace.”

Clewerson Frederico Scheraiber, Klabin

Thomas Grübler



When I started founding the company, everyone was explaining to me that the sensor we wanted to build was impossible. Now, it’s possible to shrink these big complex systems to small sat and cubesat scale.”

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