Enabling sustainability transformation in agriculture
A digital platform enabling and incentivising farmers to apply regenerative farming techniques, providing the basis for successful sustainability transformation in agriculture.
Why it matters
Industrial agriculture has the most significant negative impact on land use and soil health.
20% of man-made greenhouse gas emissions each year are caused by agriculture.
1.5 – 5.0 Gt CO2 sequestration potential globally per year through regenerative farming.
Impact KPIs
The data below shows the year-on-year change in impact KPIs for Klim (updated September 2023).
3,000+ farmers using the Klim digital platform
400,000 hectares of farmland under management

This is how we farmers can overcome our image as climate sinners and show that we are part of the solution.”
Marco Messingschlager, Farmer and Klim user

I have been using regenerative methods on my farm for 4 years. Since then I have seen many positive changes in soil life and especially in the water-holding capacity of the soils during drought periods.”
Oliver Jung, Farmer and Klim user
Dr. Robert Gerlach
CEO & Co-Founder

The food industry has understood that if it doesn’t change conventional agricultural practices, it will be out of business in the future.”